
I am often asked if it is possible to create a full time income as an affiliate / Stiforp/SFI?

My answer is , "Absolutely ! Without a doubt ! " .

The question then becomes something like:

"So, why no one has yet been done? "

And that's a good question.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my thoughts to topic:

The term "Internet Marketing" is a bit of a double edged sword .

The problem with many people I 'm with that contact , seem to believe that "internet marketing" and something like "marketing" .

And this is where everything goes wrong .

Some of the most commonly committed by people involved in internet marketing mistakes is that they treat it as more of a hobby or even a lottery ticket rather than treating it as a real business strategy .

Ask any carpenter and they will tell you how important it is to know what tools to use and , more importantly , how to use these tools.

You may have heard phrases like "Use the right tool for the job. " This is good advice .

The key word here is : use .

A big problem I see among those who call on the internet marketing is that they have this misconception that all they have to do is buy the right ebook, just get some download, or subscribe a new service and believe that their money worries are gone.

Let the carpenter that je'ai above

Suppose they have been building homes for many years. They are highly qualified and are known to really do a good job .

One day , they see an ad for a new tool that is somewhat automated.

For example ... a compressed air gun to drive nails .

They immediately begin to imagine what it will be this powerful new tool .

They imagine how they will be more productive with this device that can drive a nail with the quick pull of a trigger .

From the outset the carpenter knows that they will:

- need to buy that shiny new automated tool .
- have to invest some time to learn how to use it properly.
- will most likely make mistakes along the way .

But when it comes to internet marketing, a lot of people, even if they buy the shiny new tool , do not want to invest the time to learn to use it properly !

They leave and rest when the tool does not magically money that appears in their current account , they start thinking , "Well this stupid tool does not even work ! "

And that is why I think many people are far from significant income with affiliate . / Stiforp provide access to powerful tools .

When used effectively , these tools can help any business to generate new prospect lists , follow up with prospects, increase their subscriber base , communicate more effectively with customers , convert more prospects into paying customers , ... etc.

If you are one of those people who is just telling people what they have to do is sign up and the system will take care of the rest , I know with 100% certainty that you will not do a lot of money with affiliate .

More ... if you demonstrate value to your customers by explaining how our tools can help convert website visitors for Perspects , monitoring and convert prospects into customers , and increase customer communication , then you will begin to experience the true success as an affiliate.

To learn the system and put these tools in your business, do not forget a number of articles and video tutorials see 

To understand the simplicity of how you can actually generate a full time income as an affiliate, we'll keep a few things in mind:

You probably already know that many people trying to make money online .
You've probably got a lot of offers from people trying to sell or recruit you
You probably participate in a number of forums that are populated with other Internet marketers , affiliate marketing, network marketing, etc ...
The simplicity of this system is that you can show these people how / Stiforp/SFI can help them increase their business results !

Then it's just a matter of understanding numbers and how to leverage your results.

Every network marketer knows the power of leverage.

All you need to do is help them understand how / Stiforp/SFI can help teach their members how to duplicate their activities and results.

As they recruit their members for their main activity / Stiforp/SFI  not only are they building their core business and teaching their team affiliated to the same thing, but they can also build their / Stiforp/SFI income in the process.

The key is to first believe that you can do .

You can then take action to make it happen.

Treat your affiliation as a business if you really want business results .

If you treat it as a hobby or as a lottery ticket, you expect to get lucky , well ... you know how it works .

1 commentaires

  1. Unknown // 6 janvier 2021 à 06:01  

    Hello. you are welcome with me thanks..16379189/1101